C:\CK <<< The programs' run time path. Brookpark Certified Automotive Service <<< Company Name for display. Brookpark Certified Automotive Service <<< Company Name for Receipts. 4803 Brookpark Road, Parma, Ohio 44134 <<< Company Address 749-2080 <<< Company Phone Number "Labor "," L A B O R " <<< F1 Key Department "Exhaust "," E X H A U S T " <<< F2 Key Department "Emissions "," E M I S S I O N S " <<< F3 Key Department "Brakes "," B R A K E S " <<< F4 Key Department "Shocks/Struts"," S H O C K S / S T R U T S " <<< F5 Key Department "Springs "," S P R I N G S " <<< F6 Key Department "Front End "," F R O N T E N D " <<< F7 Key Department "Engine "," E N G I N E " <<< F8 Key Department "Trans & Axle "," T R A N S & A X L E " <<< F9 Key Department "Electrical "," E L E C T R I C A L " <<< F10 Key Department "Tuneup "," T U N E U P " <<< F11 Key Department "Misc "," M I S C " <<< F12 Key Department 1,39 <<< Department record pointers 41,59 <<< range that are multiplied 61,99 <<< by 100 to point to proper records 101,139 <<< in PN.NUM database file 141,159 161,199 201,279 281,319 321,359 361,399 401,419 420 <<< The total number of records, i.e, 420 * 100 + 80 = 42,080 records " Mechanical Rate ($ 34/ Hr) ",34 <<< Labor types and rates " Shop Rate ($ 30/ Hr) ",30 " Body Shop Rate ($ 26/ Hr) ",26 " MIG Welding Rate ($ 45/Hr) ",45 7 <<< Local Tax Rate 4 <<< Credit card Surcharges,Visa 3 <<< Discover 5 <<< Amex "Make & Model" <<< Variable Customer Description fields,#1 "Engine" <<< # 2 Description "Mileage" <<< # 3 Description "VIN Code" <<< # 4 Description "MOSHER" <<< Password, delete to "" for none